Please note
Undergraduate students who seek to enroll in more than 18 credit hours in a semester are required to seek approval from the Dean of their college prior to submitting the digital add/drop form. No registrations for more than 18 hours will be processed without Dean approval. There are additional charges for taking more than 18 hours in a semester. The tuition and fee schedule can be viewed here:
Students who are completing their undergraduate degree in the spring 2024 semester and intending to register in a graduate program in the summer or fall semesters will be required to complete the digital registration form. They will be unable to register via self-registration in myDU until their undergraduate degree is conferred. The digital form is available here:
Graduate students in the School of Education, the School of Social Work, and the Borra College of Health Sciences are required to meet with their advisors prior to registering for classes. Students who register in person must have their advisor’s approval via the online form before Stars Connect will accept the registration form.
IMPORTANT: Students anticipating the completion of degree requirements in the Summer semester must apply to graduate online no later than
April 11, 2025.
Registration dates and times for the 2024-2025 Academic Year Summer and 2025-2026 Academic Year Fall semesters will open at 8:00am on Wednesday, April 2, 2025, except as noted below for MLIS students:
Undergraduate students are required to meet with their advisors prior to registering for classes. Students who register in person must have their advisor’s approval in writing via the online form before Stars Connect will accept the registration form.
IMPORTANT: Students anticipating the completion of degree requirements in the Summer semester must apply to graduate online no later than April 11, 2025
Registration dates and times are assigned based on anticipated successful completion of the prior Spring semester credit hours:
Seniors90 or more hours (earned plus enrolled)
Students who are registered with the Accommodations and Disability Access (ADA) Office with an approved Letter of Accommodation regardless of credit hours earned or enrolled.
Student-athletes on active varsity or junior varsity rosters regardless of credit hours earned or enrolled.
Fri, April 4, 8:00 am
Evening BBA
Juniors60-89 hours (earned plus enrolled)
Tues, April 8, 8:00 am
Sophomores28-59 hours (earned plus enrolled)
Thurs, April 10, 8:00 am
First Yearfewer than 28 hours (earned plus enrolled)
Mon, April 14, 8:00 am
Mon, April 14, 12:00 pm
Auditing a class is an option if a student wants to sit in on a course but is not interested in earning credit. The student may be required to submit assignments and take examinations at the discretion of the instructor. Once the student has enrolled as an auditor in a course, no change in the registration to earn credit may be made. Individuals seeking to audit a course must secure the written permission of the instructor or department before registering.
Auditors may register from the first day of class (but not earlier) through the add deadline. No auditor may hold a place in the class if needed for a credit student. Auditing is not permitted in independent/directed study or other courses as designated by the appropriate school.
To register as an auditor, a student needs to complete a registration form, have it signed by the instructor no earlier than the first class meeting, and submit the signed form to the Stars Connect office before the add/drop deadline for the term.
Information on tuition and fees for auditing is available from Student Accounts.
While tuition charges will initially be applied to your account, the tuition charges will be manually adjusted after add/drop (see Academic Calendar for details).
The first time you attempt to register for a given term, you must first review the registration agreement (a copy of which appears below) and agree to the conditions before you can proceed with online registration.
I understand that I can register for no more than one section of a course. If I register in advance for more than one semester (e.g. summer and fall), this restriction applies across semesters (if registered in one section of ENGL 102 in summer semester, I may not also be registered for a section of ENGL 102 in the fall semester).
I also acknowledge that if I am waitlisted for more than one section of a course (as outlined above), I will be dropped from the waitlist(s) of all but the last (i.e. most recent) section for which I waitlisted.
I understand that it is my responsibility to monitor my Dominican email account for questions from the Office of the Registrar regarding my schedule and for information on whether I have been enrolled into a section from the waitlist.
If a course reaches capacity and allows waitlisting, students may elect to add themselves to the waitlist for no more than one section of each course:
The Office of the Registrar will monitor enrollment for students who are waitlisted for more than one section of a course; students will be dropped from the waitlist(s) of all but the last (i.e. most recent) section of a course if they are waitlisted for multiple sections.
As seats become available, students will be moved from the waitlist onto the class list in the order that they were added to the waitlist (unless an alternative priority is noted in the course listing). A student will be notified that he or she has been added to the class list through his or her Dominican email account.
Students who are on the waitlist for a class are not to attend that class. Only after students receive notice that they have been moved from the waitlist onto the class list are they able to start attending the class.
A student can review his or her position on the waitlist by following this link.