Student Involvement

The Office of Student Involvement provides the chance for students to be involved on campus. These experiences include opportunities to join a campus club or organization, attend a leadership workshop, have fun at large campus events, and much more!
Annual Events
- DU Fest
- Late Night Breakfasts
- Destress Week
Student Spaces
- The Underground
- Student Involvement Resource Center (SIRC)
- Cyber Cafe
- L-Stop
- Learning Commons
- Noonan Reading Room
- Fitness Center
- Igini Sports Forum
Registered Student Organizations
The Office of Student Involvement (OSI) is happy to support all registered student organizations on campus.
Sign into EngageDU with your DU credentials to explore all active registered student organizations.
Students with DU credentials can visit the OSI SharePoint site to view more resources.
You may contact at any point with comments, questions, or concerns regarding current and emerging student organizations.