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Gabriela Abate
Assistant Director of Admissions
Undergraduate Admissions

Linda Abbe
Administrative Assistant, Medical Studies
Borra College of Health Sciences

Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Medical Studies

Michael Abrokwah
Michael Abrokwah
Assistant Professor, Finance
Brennan School of Business

Waleed Abuhani
Adjunct Instructor, Physics
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Isabel Acevedo
Adjunct Instructor
School of Social Work

Bibek Acharya
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Aidan Acosta
Aidan Acosta
Systems Administrator
Information Technology

Cathy Adams
Adjunct Instructor, Sociology and Criminology
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Henry Adams
Volunteer Assistant Men's Basketball Coach

Samuel Adkisson
Samuel Adkisson
Assistant Coach, Men's Volleyball
Men's Volleyball

Berto Aguayo
Adjunct Instructor, Core Curriculum- Chicago Campus
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Javier Aguilar
Javier Aguilar
Campus Safety Systems Administrator
Campus Safety

Philip Aka
Adjunct Instructor, Core Curriculum- Chicago Campus
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Ellen Alamilla
Ellen Alamilla

Director, Service & Project Management
Information Technology

Adjunct Instructor, Computer Science
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Carmen Albaladejo
Carmen Albaladejo
Adjunct Instructor, Spanish
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Michael Alcantar
Michael Alcantar
Graudate Resident Assistant
Residence Life

Elizabeth Alejo
Elizabeth Alejo
Adjunct Instructor, Core Curriculum- Chicago Campus
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Amy Alessio
Adjunct Instructor
School of Information Studies

Kawkab Alhejoj
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Gilbert Allen
Adjunct Instructor
School of Social Work

Christopher Allison
Director, McGreal Center for Dominican Historical Studies
McGreal Center

Adjunct Instructor, American Studies
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Peter Alonzi
Peter Alonzi
Professor Emeritus, Economics
Brennan School of Business

Renad Alrousan
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Patrice Alsaden
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Josie Alvarado
Transcript Evaluator & Student Services Representative
Stars Connect

Luz Alvarez
Luz Alvarez
Adjunct Instructor, Theology
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Hatim Alzoubi
Lecturer, Computer Science
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Lisa Amoroso
Lisa Amoroso
Professor, Management
Brennan School of Business

Maggie Andersen
Maggie Andersen
Associate Professor, English
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Christopher Anderson
Professor, Biological Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Chair, Biological Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Daniel Anderson
Daniel Anderson
Associate Professor, English
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Sara Anderson
Adjunct Instructor, Chemistry
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Ricardo Andrade Fernandez
Assistant Professor, Spanish
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Daniela Andrei
Professor, Chemistry
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Ilio Andreuccetti
Adjunct Instructor
Continuing Studies

Catherine Anelli
Catherine Anelli
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Alberto Angel
Maintenance Mechanic
Physical Plant

Kevin Angulo
Adjunct Instructor
Career Programs & Employer Relations

Sherry Anton
Director of Transfer Admission
Transfer Admissions

Dorina Arapi
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing