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Payton Brooks
Assistant Coach

Consuella Brown
Adjunct Instructor, Mediation and Conflict Resolution
Continuing Studies

Deon Brown
Student Success Advisor, Chicago Campus
Student Success Chicago Campus

Karen Brown
Karen Brown
Professor Emerita
School of Information Studies

Adjunct Instructor
School of Information Studies

Bob Bryant
Adjunct Instructor
School of Education

Carissa Buber
Senior Lecturer, Biological Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Beth Bullock
Adjunct Instructor, Communication Arts and Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Douglas Burchett
Head Coach, Men's Volleyball
Men's Volleyball

Molly Burke
Molly Burke
Professor, Management
Brennan School of Business

Reuben Burnley
Reuben Burnley
Dean, First-Year Admission
Undergraduate Admissions

Bridget Burns
Director, Clinical Practice & Field Experience Licensure Officer
School of Education

Adjunct Faculty
School of Education

Kelly Burns
Kelly Burns
Professor, Philosophy
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Chair, Philosophy
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Gwendolyn Burrel
Adjunct Instructor
School of Education

Louis Butler
Adjunct Instructor
Continuing Studies

Elisa Buzinski
Elisa Buzinski
Interim Director, Coordinated and ISPP Dietetic Programs
Borra College of Health Sciences
Nutrition Sciences

Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Nutrition Sciences

Eileen Cahill
Adjunct Instructor
School of Education

Samiera Caldwell
Samiera Caldwell
Case Manager/Health Navigator
Student Care and Retention

Tracy Caldwell
Tracy Caldwell
Professor, Psychology
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Irina Calin-Jageman
Professor, Biological Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Interim Chair, Biological Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Robert Calin-Jageman
Robert Calin-Jageman
Professor, Psychology
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Neuroscience Program Director, Neuroscience
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Noema Camacho
Noema Camacho
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Laura Campbell
Adjunct Instructor
School of Social Work

Kelly Campos
Adjunct Instructor
School of Information Studies

Joan Cantwell
Adjunct Instructor, Psychology
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Kristin Cappelli-Hedlund
Adjunct Instructor, Music
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Mark Carbonara
Mark Carbonara

Assistant Vice President for Advancement
University Advancement

Adjunct Instructor
Career Programs & Employer Relations

Rose Carbone
Adjunct Instructor
Career Programs & Employer Relations

Alicia Cardona
Alicia Cardona
Adjunct Instructor
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Myra Carew
Executive Director
Borra College of Health Sciences
Elizabeth T. MacNeil School of Nursing

Marty Carlino
Assistant Director, Marketing & Communications
Office of Marketing and Communications

Dave Carlson
Manager, Event Services
External Engagement

Jeffrey Carlson
Professor, Theology
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Veena Carlson
Professor, Italian
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Chair, French and Italian Studies
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Jamie Carlstone
Adjunct Instructor
School of Information Studies

Melissa Carr
Associate Professor, Fashion
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Chair, Fashion
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Rodrigo Carraminana
Adjunct Instructor, Mathematics
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Alejandro Carrillo
Adjunct Instructor, Biological Sciences
Rosary College of Arts and Sciences

Carlos Carrillo
Coordinator of Athletics Facilities

Head Women's Soccer Coach
Women's Soccer

Tethnie Carrillo
Head Coach, Women's Basketball
Women's Basketball

Brian Carter
Brian Carter
Graduate Assistant