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About the Handbook

All those who enroll in the university accept the terms and conditions stated in the Student Code of Conduct and Policies. Students must also follow the policies and procedures in all university publications when applicable. The university reserves the right to suspend or dismiss any student at any time when, in the judgment of university authorities, the general welfare demands such action.

All policies, practices, procedures and regulations listed in university publications are subject to change. Policies may change due to State of Illinois Reopening Regulations, Illinois Department of Public Health, Cook County Department of Public Health, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, particularly as it relates to COVID-19. Every effort will be made to provide appropriate supplements and announcements indicating major alterations in current policies, practices, procedures and regulations.

To receive more information about university policies and procedures, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at (708) 524-6822.

Download/view the 2024-2025 Student Handbook and Code of Conduct (link opens a pdf in a new window)