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Thank you for keeping Dominican among your philanthropic priorities. Gifts of any size are appreciated and do make a difference. Learn more about the two major types of giving:

Outright Gifts

Credit Cards Online

Make a gift on Dominican's secure giving site. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.

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Check and Credit Cards by Mail

Dominican University
Office of University Advancement
7900 West Division
River Forest, IL 60305

Credit cards at the end of the calendar year

The date of your gift will be the day the charge is processed by the credit card company. If you are making a credit card gift for the current calendar year over the phone, please allow sufficient time for processing. If you make a credit card gift by mail, please mail by December 24 in order to allow enough time for delivery and processing. Gifts made online are processed immediately.

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Credit Cards by Phone

Joanna Skubish, Director of Annual Giving Programs at (708) 524-6309.

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Recurring Gifts (Sustainers)

Sustainers make ongoing credit or debit card gifts to Dominican on a monthly basis. Recurring giving is a great option for those looking to make gifts throughout the year. You may make monthly payments in any amount you choose using a credit or debit card. Monthly payments are processed on the 15th of each month. When you become a Sustainer, you will receive a confirmation letter acknowledging your participation, and we will mail a tax receipt by January 31 of each year you participate. You may make changes to your giving at any time.

Make an automated gift and become a Sustainer.

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Employer Matching Gifts

You or your spouse may work for a company that will double or even triple your contribution. Many companies offer this benefit to retirees as well. To find out if your employer participates, search our online database. Or, contact your human resources department to obtain the appropriate paperwork.

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Payroll Deduction

As a member of our dedicated faculty and staff, your hard work impacts the lives of students in essential ways. Every day, each and every one of us contributes toward ensuring that students have an opportunity to reach their educational goals. Giving to Dominican is another great way to show your support and to help make a difference in the lives of our students.

Designating Gifts

The decision to make a gift is a personal one. You may designate your gift to whichever area of the university you choose to split your gift among different funds of your choice. Whether large or small, your gift counts and will contribute to the success of our students and our university.

Payroll Deduction

Giving is easy! Making your gift through payroll deduction enables you to split your gift into installments, spreading it over as many or as few pay periods as you wish. Payroll deduction makes giving easy to budget, saves you time, and helps the environment. Sign up online to make your gift through payroll deduction.

Other Methods of Giving

You can also support our students and our university through other methods of giving including checks, credit cards, stock transfers, and planned gifts. Make a one-time credit card gift.

Exclusive President's Circle Opportunity

Faculty and staff members who choose to make a gift of $1,000 or more through payroll deduction will immediately be recognized as a President’s Circle donor. Sign up online to make your gift through payroll deduction.

If you have any questions, please contact Joanna Skubish(link sends email), Director of Annual Giving Programs at (708) 524-6309.

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Securities (Stock/Publicly Traded Securities)

A gift of appreciated securities is an attractive alternative to cash because of the potential for a double tax benefit. Not only do you receive a charitable deduction for your gift, but you also avoid paying a capital gains tax on the appreciation.

If you have held the securities for more than one year, your deduction is equal to the full fair market value of the securities. Generally, you may deduct up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income and, as with gifts of cash, any excess can be carried over and used for up to five additional years.

Securities Held by Your Broker

If your securities are held in a brokerage account, you may simply contact your broker. He or she will need the following information in order to transfer your securities to Dominican:

Dominican’s Broker: Charles Schwab Institutional
DTC #: 0164
Dominican’s Acct. #: 4322-5560
Attention: Customer Service
Phone: (800) 515-2157

Please let Dominican know to expect your gift and indicated whether the gift is an unrestricted gift to the annual fund or a restricted gift for a designated purpose. You may provide this information to University Advancement by telephone at (708) 524-6290 or by e-mail at sends email), or by mail at the address above.

Securities Held by You

If you hold the stock certificate in your name, you may send the unendorsed certificate by mail to:

Office of University Advancement
Dominican University
7900 West Division Street
River Forest, IL 60305

In a separate envelope and on the same day you mail the stock certificate, mail to the same address an executed stock power form authorizing the transfer of the stock to Dominican University.

Please let Dominican know to expect your gift and indicated whether the gift is an unrestricted gift to the annual fund or a restricted gift for a designated purpose.  You may provide this information to University Advancement by telephone at (708) 524-6290 or by e-mail at sends email), or by mail at the address above.

End of the Calendar Year Stock Transfer Instructions

The date of your gift will be the day the stock is received in the university’s account. If you are making a stock gift at the end of the year, please allow sufficient time for the transfer from your broker to the university’s account. It usually takes at least one day.

For assistance in completing any gift or for more information, contact University Advancement by telephone at (708) 524-6290 or sends email).

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IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution

Do you want to get the most value from your nest egg, protect your heirs from heavy taxes and make your mark at our organization? Consider leaving a portion of your retirement plan assets to Dominican University.

Leaving retirement plan assets to Dominican University shields your heirs from taxes on the retirement assets and frees you to give them other assets that are not as heavily taxed. Please contact us at (708) 524-6303.

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Life Insurance

Donating your life insurance could be a wonderful way to fulfill your desire to support our work. By making Dominican University the beneficiary of an existing policy, you make good use of your resources and expand your ability to make a significant gift. Please contact us at (708) 524-6303.

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