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Photo courtesy of Another Country

October 6, 2022

Louise Rider MLIS ’13 has been promoted to Executive Producer at noted audio post-production company Another Country. She has been an integral team member at Another Country since landing as an Assistant Engineer back in 2008. 

Originally from Bethesda, Maryland, Louise relocated to Chicago in 2003 to pursue a BA in music technology at Northwestern University and later received a master’s degree in library and information science from Dominican University in 2013. An avid and highly accomplished violinist, Louise learned along the way that her passion for music applied to all facets of sound. 

Over the years, the experiences Louise has gained at Another Country have intensified through her lead roles as music supervisor/librarian and producer. In her very first year with the studio, Another Country mixed nine Super Bowl spots, and that volume of work has largely held. The top-tier brands, agencies, and artisans she has collaborated with are vast, and the resulting awards are extensive; her most notable long-form credits include the award-winning broadcast series America to Me as well as Steve James‘ Emmy Award-winning documentary feature Life Itself about film critic Roger Ebert.