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Sacred Sounds and Sights: The Interplay Between Music and Art in Religious Experience
Cusack Board Room - Power Hall
$54 (includes $4 service fee)

This four-part mini course meets for two hours on February 21 & 28 and March 6 & 13 at 1pm

Music and art can promote spiritual and moral elevation and enjoyment, enrich religious insight and inspiration, and deepen religious reflection and meditation. Communal musical and artistic experiences can also help create, enlarge and energize a sense of religious community. Through the lens of interreligious learning, this course offers participants the opportunity to learn how religious musical and artistic experiences have contributed to the Abrahamic traditions. It will do so through meaningful musical and artistic in-class presentations that will focus successively on each of the three traditions. The course will provide ample scope for participants to discuss the personal impact of these presentations and suggest resources for further study in this area.

Presented by the Chicago Coalition for Inter-religious Learning. (CCIRL)