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Anne Drougas, professor of finance, served as a resource for an article in about how automation is impacting the job market. She discussed her thoughts on jobs that she thought were most threatened by automation and referenced an Oxford University study that suggests that almost 47% of US workers may see their jobs become automated in the near future. Drougas included jobs such as assembly line factory workers, cashiers, bank tellers, fast food workers, travel agents and those people involved in financial services, transportation and hospitality industries as being particularly vulnerable. 

"During the pandemic, many Americans flocked online and some had to rely on using the internet for the very first time, particularly older Americans. For example, Americans opened online accounts to receive their stimulus checks or Social Security checks and rapidly increased their use of digital banking. They accessed apps to have food and medicine delivered to their doorsteps...Once they begin using these automated services, it may be reasonable to assume that U.S. customers have a more positive view of technology, particularly older Americans," she said.

However, Drougas also believes that the rise of robotics can bring as many opportunities as threats.

You can read the article here