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Accounting and Finance Major Selected for Internship Preparation Program

Ethan Orange, a junior majoring in accounting and finance, was selected to participate in a recent internship preparation program from the Illinois CPA Society and the CPA Endowment Fund of Illinois.

Orange was one of 41 scholars from around Illinois who applied and were selected to take part in the award-winning Mary T. Washington Wylie Internship Preparation Program, a three-day virtual experience held Jan. 3-5. The aim of the program is to help racial and ethnic minority college students who are interested in pursuing careers in accounting.

Dominican University Vice Provost and Dean Selected for Daniel Burnham Fellowship for Shaping Regional Economic Progress

River Forest, IL—Dr. Roberto Curci, vice provost of Dominican University and dean of the Brennan School of Business, is among 26 business executives selected for the prestigious 2024 Daniel Burnham Fellowship by Leadership Greater Chicago.