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Dominican Celebrates National Day of Racial Healing, Centering Indigenous Identity

Dominican University marked the 7th Annual National Day of Racial Healing on Jan. 17 with an emphasis on Indigenous identity and acknowledgment.

With Lakota star quilts as a backdrop, guest speaker Megan Red Shirt-Shaw, of the Oglala Lakota Nation, addressed the importance of Indigenous land acknowledgment by institutions of higher learning that were developed on land from which Native people were displaced.

MBA Grad Named Chief Financial Officer of La Rabida Hospital

Brian Fredericks MBA ’10 was recently named chief financial officer and vice president of administration at La Rabida Children’s Hospital in Chicago.

Fredericks, who assumed the role in December, has worked for more than 20 years in finance, healthcare and operations. He most recently served as chief operation officer and vice president of finance for Chicago-based Medical Home Network.